Newest news
Minecraft Servers
  • Classic (c0.30)
  • SMP (1.21)
  • How to join?
Did you know?
  • Player models used to be mirrored in Classic due to a scaling oversight. This was corrected in late Indev versions.

Crafting Legends

This is Crafting Legends, the show where for 15 weeks, we're celebrating the 15th anniversary of Minecraft with some of the people who shaped the game into what we know it as today. New episodes premiere from February 2nd through May 17th.

Song used in the trailer is "Door" by C418.

Opening song is "Minecraft Is Acid" by C418.


A sneak peek of what's to come. An amuse-bouche, if you will.

[ Spotify | Apple (soon) | YouTube | MP3 | FLAC ]

Episode 1 - Demystifying Early Minecraft with Rufus10

Matthew and Rufus10 give a crash course in early Minecraft history.

[ Spotify | Apple (soon) | YouTube | MP3 | FLAC ]

Episode 2

Coming Soon(tm)!

[ Spotify | Apple (soon) | YouTube | MP3 | FLAC ]

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BETA (version v17)
On this day - 11th February
  • 2010 - in-20100211-2328 was released (15 years ago!)
  • 2010 - in-20100211-2333 was released (15 years ago!)
  • 2010 - in-20100211-2340 was released (15 years ago!)
Latest finds
  • It has been 316 days since the last reupload (24w14potato)
  • It has been 229 days since the last version find (b1.2_02-20110517)